Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Sunday, 9 July 2006

Things had been stable yesterday although my dad's heart rate and pulse seemed to be racing. And hearing our voices seemed to make it worse. Taking him off the ventilator was causing some strain too. Went this morning, they had changed all his lines around. A new set of antibiotics.
Now for the afternoon visit things seemed to have gotten worse. Bloated stomach, high heart rate all with no explanation. The ventilator is on 100% which is not a good sign. The anesthetist came and suggested x-rays and it seems it is a lung infection. He has somehow aspirated the stuff from his stomach. I'm just glad that it isn't his surgical wound. Well, I hope not. The nurse will try throughout the night to take down the O2, as this is not good to have on so high.
I am burning a candle for dad. This is a set back, but we are strong and our faith will give our father the strength to heal. I pray that his infection heals and he is able to strengthen enough to start breathing healthily.

My dad is strong, and I know inside he wants to get better. Lord, your will be done. Please heal my father and keep us strong and positive.

Tomorrow is another day, and I dedicate it to my dad's recovery. For the highest good of all involved. Amen

That night I lit a candle to burn in dedication to my father's healing. You should always dedicate a candle to something when you light it, it gives it a purpose to burn. The candle lighting became a nightly ritual until a week after my dad died. It reassured me to open my eyes in the middle of the night and see the tealight burning, at least if I couldn't be awake and praying, the candles was still there burning bright.

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