Sunday, August 3, 2008

Thursday, 3 August 2006

Mills came in today and sutured dads colon as the catheters were not draining sufficiently. I do hope that the wound will now be able to heal faster. Dad was very awake this evening.
The nurse today gave dads hair a wash and a shave. No physio today. I will continue praying and sending positive energy to focus on dads healing. It's one last hurdle but this one is really gonna draw out and test us, but we are patient.
I must just say a prayer for the babies in ICU, 3 in one day? Shame, and they cry a lot. Thank you for another good day, and a great sleep. Last night I woke up and felt so awake and refreshed. Thank you!

Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2006 11:57:22 +0200

Hey there,

Just spoke to B at the hospital. This morning they came to change

the dressing, Mills decided to stitch up the holes as the catheters
were not coping with the drainage. Dad says he is very good with a
needle, but it was painful - they gave him pain med twice. He said
Mills had a good look around in there too. So now they have put the
dressing back on and the stuff draining off is more like pale pink,
so I hope the tears are sorted.
Otherwise all is well, Dad had his

first boiled sweets yesterday, he said they have really helped clear out his mouth of all that stuff from the thrush.



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