Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Saturday, 15 July 2006

Dad has been stable today, still got a temp though. Esme asked me how we are coping, it must be hard to see my dad like this. I just kinda brushed it off with the be positive spiel. But we just rewatched the DVD of mom and dads holiday and it was so difficult to watch the pics of dad. It's like I had forgotten what he was like, what his voice sounds like, his smile.
Lord please, I really want and need my dad to get better soon. Please. He needs to get out of ICU and off the ventilator so that we can hear his voice and see him laugh. Please Lord. I pray with all my heart and soul. I miss my dad. I really miss him. Please help bring down his temperature ad heal his infections and heal his infections and any other complications. Please can he come off the ventilator and be moved to a surgical ward so that he can keep recuperating. Please Lord. I need you to give my dad all the strength and power he needs to get better. Your power is almighty and I know that miracles are possible. Please put a bubble of white light of the Holy Spirit around my dad to protect and heal him. With faith all things are possible. Thank you for listening.

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